About Traveling to Belize

About Traveling to Belize

 TravelingtoBelize.com is a blog site for those United States, Canadian and Foreign travelers interested in exploring Belize. We want to make this site free to those who love traveling as much as my wife and me.  We want to support you with great content about Belize Hotels, Restaurants, Yoga Resorts, Scuba, Fishing Tours, Swimming with the sharks, The Great Blue Hole, Belize Zoo, Iguana and Turtle sanctuaries, the local wide life, the Mayan people, Jungle, the history and everything from booking airlines, to carrying money, safety precautions, videos of our adventures and essentially the one place to stop to learn about a country that literally only has 400,000 inhabitants. A peaceful nation that’s main goal is to live with “kindness”.

Please interact and ask us questions and we can introduce you to other people to make your stay with us enjoyable.